Peace FC is...
...challenging you to make peace; giving you tools that you can use for community outreach or social networking programs; and, a place to share and celebrate successful peace activism.
What is peace-making? It is not just ending war or violence. At Peace FC, we are challenging communities of passionate people who are united by football and sport, who are willing to share culture and values, and who want to do more than just win games, to help unite the world and confront racism, sexism, violence, war, corruption, cheating, hooliganism, and xenophobia. Peace-making is also fair play and honor - loving the game, respecting people, and respecting the rule-book and referees. It's also making peace with the Earth, environmentalism, and good stewardship of the planet.
Football is uniquely positioned to expose the positives and negatives in people and societies because it is global and a reflection of us all. We can use the energy and passion focused on football to do more than just support our team.
Peace FC is here to provide tools, entertaining content, informative programs, and a platform for making peace, however you define it.
Learn more about Peace FC.
What can you do now?
- Individuals
- Teams/Clubs
- Community Outreach Programs
- Peace Activists
- Foundations
Head straight to the "What are you doing to make peace?" page.