Peace FC Legal, Disclaimer, Ownership of Submissions, etc.
By way of a disclaimer and in order to absolve Peace FC of any legal wrong-doing, Peace Football Club does not condone vandalism or destruction of property. Peace FC does not advocate “tagging” football/soccer pitches unless the owner of said pitch authorizes turning the center circle into a peace sign. Football pitches of natural turf would be difficult to permanently mark, but still, use good judgment, make peace with your environment and keep the peace with the managers of your soccer complexes. That said, if you do manage to find a way to “tag” your favorite pitch in a completely non-destructive manner (like two lengths of toilet paper – not flour and water as we hear that can solidify and destroy turf), send us a photo or video! (We’ll probably post it here on the site).
Ownership of Submissions
Basically, any email, comment, photo, video, logo, design, idea or other content or thoughts sent to Peace FC or posted on our site has to become our property to use as we see fit - on our site - in our publications - in future publications of any kind - for whatever reason or purpose. So don't send us anything that you don't want us to have or own outright. Sorry for the legal mumbo jumbo but that's the world we live in - and we want to be respectful of ownership rights to online content. Thanks.